A lot of times we all want to help, but we just don’t know how to help. Sometimes, we think we do not have the resources to help or a talent to share. Anyone can be kind!! Kind acts do not have to be monetary, or require a special skill set! All you need is love and Jesus, and you can do kind acts for others! This is a list of ideas to help inspire your kind act if you need inspiration. This list is not inclusive. Feel free to share your ideas, so we can add them to the list to inspire others! 

Spend time with someone that is lonely

Examples: Visit someone in the nursing home or hospital, have lunch with someone that normally sits alone, visit a widower, spend time with the kids at school that are bullied  

Help someone complete a job or project 

Examples: Rake leaves, mow the grass, build a shed, plant flowers, clean the house, take out the trash, help at church

Pay attention to people in your normal day you don’t speak too

Examples: Janitors, service repair people, receptionist, waiters, cashiers, cleaning crew, hostesses, bus drivers, taxi drivers, police officers, homeless

Speak to them and ask them how their day is going, thank them for the job they do, and give them a word of encouragement

Listen to someone that needs a friend to talk too

Examples: Give that person your undivided attention, show them sympathy 

Buy food or make food for someone (Everyone loves to eat)

Examples: Share food with the homeless, surprise a coworker with sweet treats, supply dinner for a busy family, pay the bill for someone at a restaurant, or leave a nice tip for your waiter/waitres

Supply a need for someone 

Volunteer at church or a charity